Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Clay Yourself

Clay yourself is a fun way to create your "clay personality" in so many different types. So try it out today and see where all the clay is coming from.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Google Offers

Hey again, now I am going to talk about Google Offers.  This has amazing deals near you like a free blizzard from Dairy Queen or a mini whopper jr for $1.99 or something but you may almost always find something that you would like and always near you.


Hey, so today I will be discussing what is Panoramio?  Panoramio is like Google Earth but, instead of placing a person on the spot you want to look at you look at others photograph that they have taken when they are on vacation or something.  You may find out things that you your self didn't even know like there being two Daytona Speed Ways or maybe something else.  So take a look at this site and learn something new. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Yesterday, we visited iGoogle, it is like your own personal webmix that no one but you can see. There's alot of cool and great gadgets out there but here's some I added on my iGoogle,
1.) Pacman Advanced: This has a lot of different games like an actual arcade game.
2.) Weather: We all want to know what the weather is in our area so the weather gadget is a great tool to use for in time of emergencies.
3.) Youtube: This is an alternative to getting to Youtube faster, all you do is type an artist or music in the search box and it takes you there and it beats than trying to Google it then searching it on Youtube.     So try it free

Monday, March 4, 2013

Google Maps

Today I explored Google Maps and it was awesome, the pictures may be old, but it is a fun way to explore the world in like a day. You can get directions to a certain destination like maybe your house or maybe the White House.